Over its 35-year career, Anthrax has been a pioneering band with its unique style, sound and heavy brand of thrash metal, and - as Metallica's Kirk Hammett put it - "one can hear their influence on any number of up and coming bands."
The band has sold in excess of 10-million units worldwide, received multiple Gold and Platinum certifications, six Grammy nominations and a host of other accolades from the media, industry and fans.
From the race and genre barriers Anthrax helped break down in 1988 when they collaborated with Public Enemy on "Bring The Noise," to becoming a card-carrying member of The Big Four - with Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth - as one of the four bands that defined the speed/thrash metal genre, to being the first metal band to have its music heard on Mars when NASA played "Got The Time" to wake up the Mars Rover, Anthrax continues to demonstrate it's just all about the music.
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